Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It Is STILL January!

So, it is still this dreadful month of, January.  I just really don't like it.  I don't ever feel well.  Just an overall, BLAH feeling.  I decided to make a list of things that make me happy.  This goes beyond the normal, friends, family, financial security, a roof over my head, health, etc.  Of course, those things make me happy, they go without saying.  I'm saying...THINGS...materialistic things because sometimes that is what we need to get out of our "funks".  Everyone has heard of, "retail therapy", we all love things, regardless, if we want to admit it. 

Things I love...

*Ugg slippers...thanks Eddis
*my car and all the unnecessary warming devices, again...thanks Eddis
*fur coats
*cozy blankets
*vacations to California and Florida in the next 6 weeks

....is there a theme here...I think I realized why I don't like January...I am FREEZING~

*dance competitions
*basketball games
*good wine
*adorable wine glasses
*MAC make-up
*moisture facial spray
*dry shampoo
*hair appointments
*black and white movies and TV shows
*a couple of good pairs of jeans
*Ugg boots
*flannel nightgowns

There...that made me feel better, look at all the wonderful "things" I have in my life.  I would have put Botox and Xanax on the list but if Eddis ever does read this he would think I needed to be committed...which maybe, I do some days!

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