Friday, January 13, 2012


It FINALLY snowed!  We usually have a good snow fall by now.  We have had unseasonably warm warm, 50-60 degree days!  Unheard of in the heart of the Midwest.  I have taken the dogs for numerous walks, they have come to realize the routine.  I can't even get my sneakers on without them pouncing at my feet. 

The sight of snow was very welcome in this house. 

Our Goldendoodle..Annie...the best dog/human in the....I would put world but I know it would offend someone...but really, she is!

There is a tiny glimpse of Lucy...a.k.a. "Skillet"....the Shih-Poo.  Not the greatest dog in the world...OK, so now, we are even!

That girl needs to go snowboarding!  Our hill in the back is just not challenging enough for her...besides she is trying to snowboard on a sled!

Happy Weekend!

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