Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tribute Dance Competition

Well, it is that time of the year again.  Dance Competition time.  We have love/hate relationship with dance competitions in our home.  We do love them so very much.  BUT!  I spent 18 hours watching dance after, dance after, dance.  It was a lovely experience but I was exhausted by Sunday.  REALLY, I just sat there, hour after hour.  A few costume changes, make sure the lipstick is perfect...OK, go!

There is just so much talent.  I love watching all the different abilities and the creativity of the choreographers. 

I just love the gentleman that puts on Tribute.  He is very family oriented.  He had an essay contest and a local girl along with her 2 sisters and parents won.  It was a real tear jerker.  At least, it was to me, I am a real sap when it comes to just about anything. 

Our girls did a great job.  Mimi did fantastic in her solo.  It was her first solo and she nailed it!  I am so proud of her and all the hard work she has put into dance.  She truly loves it and it shows when she is on stage. 

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