Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reinventing Myself....Thanks to Revlon "Cherries in the Snow"

....for the better.  Obviously, no one wants to reinvent themselves for the worse...right? 

The past year, 2011, was a year of sadness.  A cousin of ours, passed away at the age of 43 leaving behind a beautiful wife and 4 children.  A few days after his funeral a tragedy hit our dear friend's family.  We are like family....

The hardest struggle of the year has been a family issue.  Just plan old hurtfulness.  It has simply been a year of basically feeling walked all over. 

I is the way I deal with it!  Basically, I can't stop the way people feel but if I don't react in a way that is defensive than everything would be great.  That is easier said than done.  I have feelings, words and actions hurt.  I also didn't understand why certain people feel everything is always about them or read into things.  REALLY????? 

So, I poured myself into my faith.  WOW!  I have been a faith-filled person but when I finally let everything go to GOD, everything works out.  I know that sounds so cliche.  Really, it has worked for me. 

I want to go through my days with a "Cherries in the Snow" (my very favorite and rockin' lipstick) smile on face and kind word.  I have learned to say NO and "Cherries in the Snow" has helped lightend that word a lot!

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