Monday, January 16, 2012

January Blahs!

I officially, dislike the month of January.  I would say HATE, but well, you know, I just can't bring myself to use such a harsh word. 

This month ticks away at such a slow pace.  I'm not going to warm spot until February.  BLAH!  Last year, I headed to Southern California at the end of January and it was wonderful.  I missed an epic blizzard at home, which made me a little sad.  I quickly, got over that when I was having lunch on the Pacific Ocean in Malibu.  Oh, did I mention, I was having lunch with my friend, Barbi!

It is now, gloomy and will become drizzly today.  We are very busy this week, our Freshman, has 4 basketball games.  You would think keeping busy would help this month fly by...well, that hasn't happened. 

I know, it has to do with the "let down" of the holidays.  We had such a fantastic time this past holiday season.  I really didn't want it end.  As the saying goes...."all good things must come to an end".  Back to the dull drum of the January life.  I know it is coming every year, that doesn't make it any easier.  The let down, the cold, the just plain boring life of January.  I try to read good books, watch interesting TV, keep busy...nothing seems to help. 

We have had unseasonably warm temperatures this year.  I have even taken the dogs for several walks, which rarely happens this time year in the Heartland. 

Here is to another 15 days of this month!  Let it "fly" by!

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