Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Hunger Games.... addicting!  There is something about this series that makes a person wanting more.  Not only wanting more but it has completely taken over my life.  I am getting absolutely NOTHING done because of these books.  I dream about them or can't get to sleep because of the anxiety of the books. is a story!  I just can't shut my mind off. 

This is such a well written is considered a "teen read", maybe, that is why I like it so well.  Go NOW, before your time runs out!  Read these books!

I must say, the first couple chapters of the first book are a little slow.  It is much needed "background".  Keep with it and you will soon get nothing done.  I took these books everywhere with me.  I didn't want to be without them, just in case, I had a few minutes to wait somewhere. 

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