Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Snow Storm...HOORAY!

We are experiencing another snowstorm here in the Hawkeye State.  I love it!  Absolutely, love it.   Why you ask?  Probably because, I know, I get a reprieve. 

I booked a trip to Southern California in less than a month.  HOORAY!  I am taking "the girl" with me this time.  She has been lobbying for this trip for about a year.  I think she secretly thinks she is going to get "discovered" while she is there.  Because, Hollywood is in desperate need of another 11 year old blond, that thinks she can sing!

Last year, I decided to make a yearly trip to Southern California to visit family and friends.  I had a great time last year.  It is quickly becoming one of my favorite places. After all, it is my birth place!   My love for Florida is very deep but Cali is coming in a very close second.  I only wish Eddis loved it as much as I do.  See, he is a Florida guy.  Not just a Florida guy but a Sarasota guy...he plans to live there someday.  I guess, when he thinks he looks good in a white belt and shoes!   Personally, I am hoping for sooner than later. 

As far as I concerned....


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