Monday, February 6, 2012

Madonna, Clint Eastwood....

...NEVER thought I would put those two together in things I LOVED about a weekend.  That summed up the Superbowl for me.  At first, I loved the Chevy commercial, the world ending and only the Chevy's made it.  It all changed at halftime.

Loved how they brought in the Madonna halftime show with Jay Leno and his "Like a Virgin" ringtone.  In case you missed it...
This was awesome!
How do you not like this????  Yes, Madonna is in her 50's, she love fantastic, can still move (not like she did 25 years ago but enough) and has a great voice.  She made us all a little younger last night.  She brought back wonderful memories of dancing the nights away in the 80's, made us fall in love again!  Thank you, Madonna for you energy!  Even when she almost fell in her 5 inch heels made her so human and any girl of the 80's can relate to trying to do anything those heels.  Our knees are not what they were, our bodies don't want to move the way we want them to move.  She gave us a voice back then and she still has our back!

This is the BEST made commercial EVER!
This touched the heart and soul of America.  Football is our game, American made cars seem to be a thing of the past.  ( my German made car, will only drive an Ultimate Driving Machine...really, I'm not being a hypocrite because everyone else drives American in the family)   Let's bring back America to what is once was!  Regroup...and WIN this fight!  Let's take our country back...was it political?  I really, don't think so.  It is about coming together as a country, as a team to win this fight, get back what was taken from us....our JOBS, our lives as we once knew them.  Halftime is is OUR responsiblity to get back to where we were!

Another favorite!
I am sure a lot of people didn't even see this commercial or promotion (as we called it in the business).  It was at the very end of the Superbowl.  I am sure people were saying good-bye to their guests, cleaning up the snacks, getting the kids to bed, etc.  I loved spoke volumes to my life for the last several years.  Mom's driving their children to various practices, watching their games, wishing, hoping, praying for their child to be that next "phemon". 

There you have wrap up of the Superbowl.  Funny, not a single video of football.  The game was great, you see, not one of our favorite teams was in the Superbowl this year.  It did take place at one of our favorites' venue.  There were 3 former Iowa Hawkeye players involved in some way in the Superbowl.  What's new?  Hawkeyes are EVERYWHERE!  I don't like Tom Brady, Eli is OK but he is not his brother.  Maybe, next year!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tribute Dance Competition

Well, it is that time of the year again.  Dance Competition time.  We have love/hate relationship with dance competitions in our home.  We do love them so very much.  BUT!  I spent 18 hours watching dance after, dance after, dance.  It was a lovely experience but I was exhausted by Sunday.  REALLY, I just sat there, hour after hour.  A few costume changes, make sure the lipstick is perfect...OK, go!

There is just so much talent.  I love watching all the different abilities and the creativity of the choreographers. 

I just love the gentleman that puts on Tribute.  He is very family oriented.  He had an essay contest and a local girl along with her 2 sisters and parents won.  It was a real tear jerker.  At least, it was to me, I am a real sap when it comes to just about anything. 

Our girls did a great job.  Mimi did fantastic in her solo.  It was her first solo and she nailed it!  I am so proud of her and all the hard work she has put into dance.  She truly loves it and it shows when she is on stage. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It Is STILL January!

So, it is still this dreadful month of, January.  I just really don't like it.  I don't ever feel well.  Just an overall, BLAH feeling.  I decided to make a list of things that make me happy.  This goes beyond the normal, friends, family, financial security, a roof over my head, health, etc.  Of course, those things make me happy, they go without saying.  I'm saying...THINGS...materialistic things because sometimes that is what we need to get out of our "funks".  Everyone has heard of, "retail therapy", we all love things, regardless, if we want to admit it. 

Things I love...

*Ugg slippers...thanks Eddis
*my car and all the unnecessary warming devices, again...thanks Eddis
*fur coats
*cozy blankets
*vacations to California and Florida in the next 6 weeks there a theme here...I think I realized why I don't like January...I am FREEZING~

*dance competitions
*basketball games
*good wine
*adorable wine glasses
*MAC make-up
*moisture facial spray
*dry shampoo
*hair appointments
*black and white movies and TV shows
*a couple of good pairs of jeans
*Ugg boots
*flannel nightgowns

There...that made me feel better, look at all the wonderful "things" I have in my life.  I would have put Botox and Xanax on the list but if Eddis ever does read this he would think I needed to be committed...which maybe, I do some days!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pre-Eclampsia...You Made Me Toxic

Definition from,

What is preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia (pre-e-CLAMP-si-a) is a condition unique to human pregnancy. It is diagnosed by the elevation of the expectant mother’s blood pressure usually after the twentieth week of pregnancy combined with the appearance of excessive protein in her urine. Important symptoms that may suggest preeclampsia are headaches, abdominal pain, visual disturbances such as oversensitivity to light, blurred vision, seeing flashing spots or auras, shortness of breath or burning behind the sternum, nausea and vomiting, confusion or heightened state of anxiety. Preeclampsia and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy impact 5-8% of all births in the United States.
Most women with preeclampsia will deliver a healthy baby and fully recover. However, some women will experience complications, several of which may be life-threatening to mother and/or baby. A woman’s condition can go from a mild form of preeclampsia to severe preeclampsia very quickly.
Preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can be devastating diseases, made worse by delays in diagnosis or management, seriously impacting or even killing both women and their babies before, during or after birth. story.

It was 20 years ago, this very month.  I started to not feel very well a few weeks before Christmas.  My blood pressure at my December appointment seemed fine, the doctor was one I rarely saw and seemed to be in hurry.  This was my first long term pregnancy, so I left the office and went on my way to prepare for a wonderful Christmas season. 

I was feeling tired and had a slight headache but nothing that really stopped me.  I had a taste of "dirt" in my mouth.  I know, that sounds really weird, that is what I tasted.  I wanted to get some shopping done, to finish the baby's room but I just couldn't seem to find the energy to do it.  This something out of ordinary for me.  I also, didn't really like being left alone. 

The first Thursday of January, I started to not feel well after I ate dinner.  My husband was at a business meeting and cell phones were not that all common.  He had one built into the car but not something everyone carried around.  I called my parents and by the time they arrived at my house, I was covered in hives and my heart was racing.  They took me to the emergency room.  My blood pressure was elevated.  They did a urine and I don't remember if there was protein at this point.  The ER doctors chalked up the visit to something I ate.  REALLY?  They assumed my blood pressure was a mere "panic attack".  OK, I'll go home, I had an appointment at the doctor on Monday. 

So, my appointment on blood pressure was elevated.  My favorite doctor was the one that saw me this day.  He made me lay on my left side and would take it again in a few minutes.  I thought fine, I get to relax a few minutes.  He comes back in, takes it and it is down.  Thank goodness!  I thought, OK, all will be good.  The next words hit my like a shock...."you need to go home, you will be on "bed rest" the rest of this pregnancy".  WHAT!  I was only 26 weeks...are you kidding me!? 

I left, with those instructions and to come back in a week.  After a few days, I am getting antsy.  I call the office.  "Can I at least go out to lunch?"  NO!  Stay in bed on your left side. 

I go to my appointment on Monday, thankfully, my husband took me.  The doctor walks in, my second favorite.  He takes my blood pressure, checks my urine and says those dreadful words...."I am going to admit you into the hospital"....WAIT...what is happening here.  This is really serious....

My weeks in the hospital.  It became my new home.  It was days of day-time TV, ultrasounds (about 2 a week), using my Elizabeth Arden, Red Door Lotion (I had the best smelling room in the hospital)  because my skin was raw because of the hospital issue bedding and not being able to sleep because I could hear the screams of woman delivery babies through the duct work.  All I wanted was to go home and see my animals.  I think about it different my feelings would be today.

Several weeks later, my doctors feel they cannot wait any longer.  I have an ultrasound and our son's kidney's are not functioning.  The time has come to deliver this baby.  No, it is too early...what is going on.  My mind is not clear. 

They hook me up to everything they have. They use every possible item they can, the nurses were even making jokes about it.   They break my water, give me Pitocin.  YUCK!  Give me Magnesium Sulfate...DOUBLE YUCK!  I have contractions right away...they are horrible.  The nurse is in my face the entire time.  Within a half hour of all this, I happen to glance at the blood pressure machine.  240/170, the nurse quickly turns it away and says she has to go make a phone call.  I think, oh, she has to tell her husband she will not home early tonight.  The next thing I know, my doctor is in my room, running around like the crazy little man he is....closing the blinds, making the room as dark as possible.  He gets my blood pressure down and heads back to office.  I labor all afternoon.  He finally comes back after office hours and our son is now in major stress.  The next few, hours are a bit of blur.  I remember passing out...darkness, voices, emergency C-section.  We need to save this mother and baby.  I see my body being rushed to the OR...I am floating above myself.  These drugs they gave me are awesome.  NO....those weren't drugs....I hear voices rushing around, I see bright lights.  I wake up a couple days later.  I have a baby boy, 3lbs. 7 oz. 

That baby boy will be 20 on February 10.  It is hard to believe, it feels like yesterday. 

 This picture was taken several days after delivery.  I remember, they would bring him to me for very short periods of time because I was not able to go down to NICU. 

It took me about 18 months to fully recover.  Thankfully, we tried as much as we could to prevent this from happening with subsequent pregnancies.  More on those to come. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Snow Storm...HOORAY!

We are experiencing another snowstorm here in the Hawkeye State.  I love it!  Absolutely, love it.   Why you ask?  Probably because, I know, I get a reprieve. 

I booked a trip to Southern California in less than a month.  HOORAY!  I am taking "the girl" with me this time.  She has been lobbying for this trip for about a year.  I think she secretly thinks she is going to get "discovered" while she is there.  Because, Hollywood is in desperate need of another 11 year old blond, that thinks she can sing!

Last year, I decided to make a yearly trip to Southern California to visit family and friends.  I had a great time last year.  It is quickly becoming one of my favorite places. After all, it is my birth place!   My love for Florida is very deep but Cali is coming in a very close second.  I only wish Eddis loved it as much as I do.  See, he is a Florida guy.  Not just a Florida guy but a Sarasota guy...he plans to live there someday.  I guess, when he thinks he looks good in a white belt and shoes!   Personally, I am hoping for sooner than later. 

As far as I concerned....


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Hunger Games.... addicting!  There is something about this series that makes a person wanting more.  Not only wanting more but it has completely taken over my life.  I am getting absolutely NOTHING done because of these books.  I dream about them or can't get to sleep because of the anxiety of the books. is a story!  I just can't shut my mind off. 

This is such a well written is considered a "teen read", maybe, that is why I like it so well.  Go NOW, before your time runs out!  Read these books!

I must say, the first couple chapters of the first book are a little slow.  It is much needed "background".  Keep with it and you will soon get nothing done.  I took these books everywhere with me.  I didn't want to be without them, just in case, I had a few minutes to wait somewhere. 

The Hunger Games Official Trailer 2012 HD

....AND the movie...I can't wait!

Monday, January 16, 2012

January Blahs!

I officially, dislike the month of January.  I would say HATE, but well, you know, I just can't bring myself to use such a harsh word. 

This month ticks away at such a slow pace.  I'm not going to warm spot until February.  BLAH!  Last year, I headed to Southern California at the end of January and it was wonderful.  I missed an epic blizzard at home, which made me a little sad.  I quickly, got over that when I was having lunch on the Pacific Ocean in Malibu.  Oh, did I mention, I was having lunch with my friend, Barbi!

It is now, gloomy and will become drizzly today.  We are very busy this week, our Freshman, has 4 basketball games.  You would think keeping busy would help this month fly by...well, that hasn't happened. 

I know, it has to do with the "let down" of the holidays.  We had such a fantastic time this past holiday season.  I really didn't want it end.  As the saying goes...."all good things must come to an end".  Back to the dull drum of the January life.  I know it is coming every year, that doesn't make it any easier.  The let down, the cold, the just plain boring life of January.  I try to read good books, watch interesting TV, keep busy...nothing seems to help. 

We have had unseasonably warm temperatures this year.  I have even taken the dogs for several walks, which rarely happens this time year in the Heartland. 

Here is to another 15 days of this month!  Let it "fly" by!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reinventing Myself....Thanks to Revlon "Cherries in the Snow"

....for the better.  Obviously, no one wants to reinvent themselves for the worse...right? 

The past year, 2011, was a year of sadness.  A cousin of ours, passed away at the age of 43 leaving behind a beautiful wife and 4 children.  A few days after his funeral a tragedy hit our dear friend's family.  We are like family....

The hardest struggle of the year has been a family issue.  Just plan old hurtfulness.  It has simply been a year of basically feeling walked all over. 

I is the way I deal with it!  Basically, I can't stop the way people feel but if I don't react in a way that is defensive than everything would be great.  That is easier said than done.  I have feelings, words and actions hurt.  I also didn't understand why certain people feel everything is always about them or read into things.  REALLY????? 

So, I poured myself into my faith.  WOW!  I have been a faith-filled person but when I finally let everything go to GOD, everything works out.  I know that sounds so cliche.  Really, it has worked for me. 

I want to go through my days with a "Cherries in the Snow" (my very favorite and rockin' lipstick) smile on face and kind word.  I have learned to say NO and "Cherries in the Snow" has helped lightend that word a lot!

Friday, January 13, 2012


It FINALLY snowed!  We usually have a good snow fall by now.  We have had unseasonably warm warm, 50-60 degree days!  Unheard of in the heart of the Midwest.  I have taken the dogs for numerous walks, they have come to realize the routine.  I can't even get my sneakers on without them pouncing at my feet. 

The sight of snow was very welcome in this house. 

Our Goldendoodle..Annie...the best dog/human in the....I would put world but I know it would offend someone...but really, she is!

There is a tiny glimpse of Lucy...a.k.a. "Skillet"....the Shih-Poo.  Not the greatest dog in the world...OK, so now, we are even!

That girl needs to go snowboarding!  Our hill in the back is just not challenging enough for her...besides she is trying to snowboard on a sled!

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Laundry Room Pictures

Back by popular pink laundry room.

This was on my old blog and people have been asking to see pictures of the "Princess Laundry Room".

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my laundry room!

Wisdom and Mitt

Well, yesterday was a BIG day here.  Our oldest son, had his wisdom teeth removed.  Four teeth, soft tissue and a little big deal...UNTIL, we came home!  He was very entertaining after the procedure.  It was a few hours later that the tears of pain started to run down his face.  Thankfully, his adorable girlfriend was there to comfort him.  Today, seems to be a much better day. 
Lucy was keeping watch!

Another big event yesterday, the Iowa Caucus.  The first one in the country.  Mitt Romney, won by a slim 8 votes.  WOW, does that ever speak volumes...get out and make your vote count! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's A New Year...A New Blog

I have been blogging for years.  I decided it was time for a "fresh start".  New Blog..HOORAY!

I want this new blog to reflect the "new ME".  There have been a lot changes in 2011.  I have lost 35 lbs., which is only the beginning. I feel like a different person.  I have decided to go through life with a "smile and a kind word".  Why not just be happy?   Life is SO much easier when you decide to simply be happy. 

There have been too many times in the past year, I have been hurt by the actions of others.  They probably do not intentionally mean to hurt people, they are simply not happy with themselves.  That, I have no control over...what I do have control over, is my reaction to their actions.  Really, I'm not that interesting, why would anyone waste time on me? 

So, here is to a fantastic 2012!