Monday, February 6, 2012

Madonna, Clint Eastwood....

...NEVER thought I would put those two together in things I LOVED about a weekend.  That summed up the Superbowl for me.  At first, I loved the Chevy commercial, the world ending and only the Chevy's made it.  It all changed at halftime.

Loved how they brought in the Madonna halftime show with Jay Leno and his "Like a Virgin" ringtone.  In case you missed it...
This was awesome!
How do you not like this????  Yes, Madonna is in her 50's, she love fantastic, can still move (not like she did 25 years ago but enough) and has a great voice.  She made us all a little younger last night.  She brought back wonderful memories of dancing the nights away in the 80's, made us fall in love again!  Thank you, Madonna for you energy!  Even when she almost fell in her 5 inch heels made her so human and any girl of the 80's can relate to trying to do anything those heels.  Our knees are not what they were, our bodies don't want to move the way we want them to move.  She gave us a voice back then and she still has our back!

This is the BEST made commercial EVER!
This touched the heart and soul of America.  Football is our game, American made cars seem to be a thing of the past.  ( my German made car, will only drive an Ultimate Driving Machine...really, I'm not being a hypocrite because everyone else drives American in the family)   Let's bring back America to what is once was!  Regroup...and WIN this fight!  Let's take our country back...was it political?  I really, don't think so.  It is about coming together as a country, as a team to win this fight, get back what was taken from us....our JOBS, our lives as we once knew them.  Halftime is is OUR responsiblity to get back to where we were!

Another favorite!
I am sure a lot of people didn't even see this commercial or promotion (as we called it in the business).  It was at the very end of the Superbowl.  I am sure people were saying good-bye to their guests, cleaning up the snacks, getting the kids to bed, etc.  I loved spoke volumes to my life for the last several years.  Mom's driving their children to various practices, watching their games, wishing, hoping, praying for their child to be that next "phemon". 

There you have wrap up of the Superbowl.  Funny, not a single video of football.  The game was great, you see, not one of our favorite teams was in the Superbowl this year.  It did take place at one of our favorites' venue.  There were 3 former Iowa Hawkeye players involved in some way in the Superbowl.  What's new?  Hawkeyes are EVERYWHERE!  I don't like Tom Brady, Eli is OK but he is not his brother.  Maybe, next year!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tribute Dance Competition

Well, it is that time of the year again.  Dance Competition time.  We have love/hate relationship with dance competitions in our home.  We do love them so very much.  BUT!  I spent 18 hours watching dance after, dance after, dance.  It was a lovely experience but I was exhausted by Sunday.  REALLY, I just sat there, hour after hour.  A few costume changes, make sure the lipstick is perfect...OK, go!

There is just so much talent.  I love watching all the different abilities and the creativity of the choreographers. 

I just love the gentleman that puts on Tribute.  He is very family oriented.  He had an essay contest and a local girl along with her 2 sisters and parents won.  It was a real tear jerker.  At least, it was to me, I am a real sap when it comes to just about anything. 

Our girls did a great job.  Mimi did fantastic in her solo.  It was her first solo and she nailed it!  I am so proud of her and all the hard work she has put into dance.  She truly loves it and it shows when she is on stage.